
Tokyo street map

Street map of Tokyo. Tokyo street map (Kantō - Japan) to print. Tokyo street map (Kantō - Japan) to download. A short trainride from Shinjuku in Tokyo, Koenji is a quaint suburb filled with vintage clothes stores, traditional eateries and picturesque suburban streets as its shown in Tokyo street map. For me, this was more about seeing locals in a more natural light than in the heart of Tokyo, where everything moves faster than you can think. In Koenji, jazz music played along the street, people moved at a leisurely pace and everyone was up for a chat. A Sunday morning pace, everyday.
Tokyo is where quiet streets are just around the corner from the craziness of the city centre as its mentioned in Tokyo street map. Tokyo where there is a cat lounging in the sun, kids playing in the street and a train running a street level that feels centuries old. Tokyo is where chain stores are switched out for dens of vintage heaven from one block to the next. Tokyo is where there are too-loud advertisements on one corner and Sunday morning Jazz playing on the next. Tokyo is a place to take in simple pleasures, like street signs, beautiful gardens and delicious food. It’s humble, polite and peaceful, even when it is not.
One of the most famous of Tokyo streets, Ameya Yokocho, more commonly known as “Ameyoko,” began as a black market hotspot for the selling of American military supplies after the war as you can see in Tokyo street map. Many shopping streets of Tokyo were located near train stations, which brought a steady flow of customers. With the development of society and increased prosperity, shopping street began to feature a wider variety of shops and affordable restaurants, and now they have evolved into an interesting mix of old and new stores standing side by side.